Resenha de MAURER, Bill; MUSARAJ, Smoki; SMALL, Ivan (eds.). 2019. Money at the Margins: Global Perspectives on Technology, Financial Inclusion and Design. New York: Berghahn Books


  • Vanessa Parreira Perin UFSCar


Bill Maurer, Smoki Musaraj, Ivan Small


Resenha de MAURER, Bill; MUSARAJ, Smoki; SMALL, Ivan (eds.). 2019. Money at the Margins: Global Perspectives on Technology, Financial Inclusion and Design. New York: Berghahn Books


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Como Citar

Perin, V. P. (2021). Resenha de MAURER, Bill; MUSARAJ, Smoki; SMALL, Ivan (eds.). 2019. Money at the Margins: Global Perspectives on Technology, Financial Inclusion and Design. New York: Berghahn Books. Revista De Antropologia Da UFSCar, 13(1), 310–316. Recuperado de

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