From academic heritage to Aboriginal priorities
Anthropological responsibilities
Aborígenes, agência feminina, protocolos éticosResumo
Throughout my 34 years of involvement with aboriginal people across australia, I have regularly chosen to respond to aboriginal priorities against a certain academic heritage, illustrated by the refusal of some colleagues – in France or Australia – to recognise the importance of women’s agency in the society, the impact of history on aboriginal ritual life and cosmology, the continuity of their culture in new forms of creativity, the respect of ethical protocols, the discrimination and social injustice suffered by indigenous people and the legitimacy of their political struggles.
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_______________. “Returning Indigenous knowledge: this CD-Rom brings everybody to the mind”. Paper presented at the 2001 AIATSIS conference, The Resonance of tradition, published as the Chapter X of a collective e-book on the website of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies: The power of knowledge, the resonance of tradition (PDF for free upload on, 2005.
_______________. The paradigm of Indigenous Australians : Anthropological phantasms, artistic creations, and political resistance/Le paradigme des Aborigènes d’Australie: fantasmes anthropologiques, créations artistiques et résistance politique. In: STRIVAY, L. & LE ROUX, G. (eds.), La revanche des genres/The revenge of genre. Paris: Editions Aïnu. (bilingual exhibition catalog, 175 illustrated pages, Les Brasseurs à Lièges, 2007/La Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, 2008), 2007.
_______________. Linhas e entrecruzamentos : hiperlinks nas narrativas indigenas australianas. In: GROSSI, M.; ECKERT, C. & FRY, P. (orgs.), Conferências e Diálogos: Saberes e Práticas Antropológicas. BlumenauEditora Nova Letra, 2007b, p. 181-201(original in english in: Media International Australia, n.116, Digital Anthropology, COHEN, H. & SALAZAR, J. [eds.], 2005). (25e Colloque ABA, 2006).
_______________. Cruzada por justiça social: Morte sob custódia, revolta e baile em Palm Island (uma colônia punitiva na Austrália). In: GROSSI, M.; ECKERT, C. & FRY, P. (orgs.) Conferências e Diálogos: Saberes e Práticas Antropológicas. Blumenau: Editora Nova Letra, 2007c, p.149-180. (25e Colloque ABA, 2006).
_______________. Guattari and Anthropology. In: ALLIEZ, E. & GOFFEY, A. (eds.), The Guattari Effect. London: Continuum Books, 2011, p. 99-114.
_______________. Entre o espectáculo e a politica: singularidades indígenas, Cadernos de Subjetividade, São Paulo, n. 13, p. 120-142, 2011b (chapter translated from GLOWCZEWSKI, B. & HENRY, R. (eds.), The Challenge of Indigenous Peoples. Oxford Bardwell Press, 2011).
_______________. We have a Dreaming: How to translate totemic existential territories through digital tools. In: CORN, A.; O'SULLIVAN, S.; ORMOND-PARKER, L. & OBATA, K. (eds.), Information Technology and Indigenous Communities (Symposium 2009). Canberra: AIATSIS Research Publications, 2013.
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GUATTARI, Félix & GLOWCZEWSKI, Barbara. “Les Warlpiri”. Discussion avec Felix Guattari (1983 et 1985), Chimères, Paris, n. 1, p. 4-37, 1987. (portuguese translation available).
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