An Erotics of Time

Toward the Cross-Cultural Study of Temporal Experience


  • Michael G. Flaherty



time, temporal experience, agency, ethnography, cultural diversity


Research in anthropology and sociology has focused on the social organization of time and time reckoning. There is, consequently, an emphasis on cross-cultural differences in the meaning of time. This line of inquiry neglects variation in the perceived passage of time as well as temporal agency. Following a review of extant research in anthropology, I call for cross-cultural research on the perception of time or subjective temporal experience. Using a theoretical framework for the study of social interaction, I point to scattered evidence for cross-cultural uniformity in the perception of time and temporal agency. I conclude with a call for further investigation of these topics.


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Como Citar

Flaherty, M. G. (2017). An Erotics of Time: Toward the Cross-Cultural Study of Temporal Experience. Revista De Antropologia Da UFSCar, 9(2(suplemento), 7–27.

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